
Erdal Özkan
Chairman of the Board
Erdal Özkan successfully completed his bachelor degree in the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Faculty of Istanbul Technical University (ITU) between 1988 and 1992. He then pursued a master’s degree in Control and Computer Engineering at the same university’s Institute of Science and Technology. While working as a research assistant at ITU, he left his academic career to take a significant step in the technology sector, becoming one of the founders of Senkron Tech in 1996. Since the company’s inception, Erdal Özkan has served as the Chairman of the Board, continuing to lead innovations in the industry. With deep expertise in technology and engineering, Özkan holds the title of founder of one of Turkey’s oldest software companies.

Mehmet Yıldızdoğan
Vice Chairman
of the Board
Mehmet Yıldızdoğan completed his bachelor degree in Computer Engineering at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) between 1988 and 1992, followed by a master’s degree in Computer Engineering at the same university in 1995. His master’s thesis focused on “Modeling with Artificial Intelligence.” Yıldızdoğan worked as a research assistant at ITU for four years and, following his academic career, entered the technology sector in 1996, playing a key role in the establishment of Senkron Tech. Currently, he serves as the Vice Chairman of the Board and CEO at Senkron Tech. Yıldızdoğan is a leader with deep knowledge in technology and artificial intelligence, prominently recognized as a founder of one of Turkey’s oldest software companies.

Hakan Arıkan
Board Member
Marmara Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi’nden mezun olan Hakan Arıkan, 2004 yılında Borusan Lojistik finans departmanında iş hayatına başladı. Arıkan, Yalın Altı Sigma Kara kuşak ve stratejik planlama komitesi üyesi görevlerini yürüttükten sonra Türkiye’nin ilk dijital TIR platformu olan ETA’nın kuruluşunda görev aldı. 2010-2011 yıllarında ABD’de eğitim alan Arıkan, Türkiye’ye döndükten sonra; Borusan İş Geliştirme, İnovasyon ve Strateji Müdürlüğü görevlerini üstlendi. Arıkan, 2015-2017 yılları arasında ise Borusan Holding’in start-up şirketi Bukoli ile Türkiye’nin ilk click & collect iş modelinin şirket kurulumunu ve yönetilmesini üstlendi. Türkiye’de faaliyete başladığı Ağustos 2021 tarihinden bu yana TruKKer Türkiye Genel Müdürü olarak görev yapmaya devam etmektedir.

Ayhan Uğur
Deputy General Manager

Merve Demirel Ersine
Human Resources Senior Manager

Giray Çavdar
Sales Director

Duygu Şen Arıkan
Business Development Director

Seda Colay
Operations Director

Caner Umutlu
Corporate Communications and Marketing Manager